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To contact the Friends of the Sierra Leone National Railway Museum, based in the UK:


Helen Ashby

c/o 141 Manor Drive North
YO26 5SD


Or, for rapid response, contact the team directly via our very popular Facebook and Twitter pages:

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Copyright: Friends of the Sierra Leone National Railway Museum 2023. All rights reserved.

Please contact us if you'd like to use any materials from this website.

All information is provided in good faith but the SLNRM and the FoSLNRM cannot be held accountable for actions resulting in use or misuse of information on this website.


The Friends of the Sierra Leone National Railway Museum is a registered charity support group based in the UK with representatives of its board of Trustees located in Sierra Leone. 


The FoSLNRM is grateful for the continued support and investment in the partnership by the Government of Sierra Leone and its tourist development agency, Visit Sierra Leone.


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